Medical Beds

4 Ways To Make a Bed Higher

Navigating the path of independent living and creating a comfortable home environment, especially for the elderly or those with specific physical needs, requires several key considerations. One of the most important and often-overlooked elements is that of bed height.

Ensuring a bed is at an optimal height isn’t just a matter of convenience — it’s linked to ease of access, safety, and personal autonomy. For those determined to age gracefully in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes, understanding how to adequately and safely modify living spaces becomes key.

Transfer Master is here to help. We’re sharing a closer look at the practical ways to make a bed higher while following principles of safe, independent living.

Why Is Bed Height Important? 

The significance of bed height goes beyond comfort. It’s about daily functionality and safety. An appropriately high bed can help elderly individuals maintain mobility, reducing the risk of falls or strains when getting in and out of bed.

The psychological aspect of being able to rise independently is especially important since it reinforces self-reliance and confidence. By equipping homes with beds of adequate height, we lay down a foundation that supports an individual’s desire to age independently. This helps you and your loved ones to live at home in comfort and safety, even as physical needs evolve.

What Should I Consider Before Raising a Bed?

The most important thing to remember when raising a bed is safety. The stability of the bed is key, as it helps to ensure that no compromise to its structural integrity has occurred.

It’s also important to make sure that the heightened bed aligns well with other bedroom furniture, like bedside tables, for easy access to essentials during the night. Always consider the physical capabilities of the person using the bed to guarantee that the new height is not only accessible but also creates an environment of ease and safety.

These considerations are the foundation upon which we can build sustainable solutions for making a bed higher. They help us maintain a steadfast commitment to safety while making the changes we need for independent living.

What Are the Practical Ways To Raise Bed Height?

In support of proactive, dignified aging and undisturbed home living, let’s explore some of the practical ways to elevate a bed.

Bed Risers

Bed risers present a straightforward, economical solution to elevating a bed’s height. Available in various materials and sizes, these accessories are placed beneath the bed’s legs, offering an instant boost.

When opting for bed risers, you want to consider their sturdiness and compatibility with the bed frame to ensure stability and safety. It’s also worthwhile to explore risers with added functionality, such as those with built-in electrical outlets or USB ports, enhancing convenience and accessibility for elderly users or those with specific physical needs.

Adjustable Bed Bases

Adjustable bed bases can alter both the height and angle of a mattress.

This allows users to modify their sleeping position according to their comfort, possibly offering relief from certain physical ailments. Nevertheless, it’s important to ensure the base you use aligns with your specific needs and does not conflict with any existing sleep technologies or medical apparatus you might be using.

Hi-Low Beds

Pioneering the blend of comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal, hi-low beds like our Supernal 5 are a solution for maintaining bed accessibility. Designed with your comfort and safety in mind, these beds not only adjust in height but do so while maintaining a traditional bed-like appearance, fostering a sense of normalcy and dignity.

Our hi-low beds cater to the nuances of individual needs, making them an essential tool for sustaining independent, confident living as we navigate the different phases of aging.

Mattress Extenders

Mattress extenders are an alternative worth considering for those who seek a non-invasive approach that does not require adjustments to the bed frame itself.

Mattress extenders are additional layers available in diverse materials like foam or latex. They can be placed atop the existing mattress, providing an immediate elevation to the sleeping surface.

While this approach does offer simplicity and is easy to implement, remember that the overall bed height will be modified. A thorough evaluation of the extenders’ comfort, support, and durability is key to ensuring the extenders’ sustained usability and safety.

Plus, the extender you choose should complement your sleep ergonomics and not compromise your stability while resting. While exploring mattress extenders, be aware of your specific needs and comforts. This will help to ensure that the elevation does not affect your restful night’s sleep.

Why Does Choosing the Right Bed Matter?

As we pursue “aging in place,” selecting the right bed goes beyond comfort into realms of safety, accessibility, and regularity in life’s later chapters. You’ll need to balance self-reliance and safety.

A bed that caters not only to immediate needs but also aligns with future requirements reduces the need for ongoing modifications and ensures a stable, secure environment. The right bed is not just a piece of furniture — it’s an investment into a future where you can experience independence and dignified living through the journey of aging.

Transfer Master’s Solution for Optimal Bed Height and Comfort

Transfer Master works hard to provide progressive and compassionate solutions, which is why we offer innovative hi-low beds meticulously designed to marry comfort with functionality. It starts with our Supernal beds.

These beds are not only adjustable in height but maintain an aesthetic similar to traditional beds, blending in seamlessly with your living space. We don’t just provide a product but a means to maintain control over your living circumstances, free of physical limitations.

The Bottom Line

There are many ways to adjust the height of your bed. While instant solutions like bed risers or adjustable bed bases may offer immediate respite, holistic solutions like our hi-low beds ensure sustained comfort, safety, and independence.

This is our way of celebrating proactive aging, where adaptations to physical spaces help them stay not only accessible but also preserve the essence of “home.” Find out more about your bed solutions and how you can get the comfort and care you need on the aging journey with Transfer Master today.


Aging in Place: Tips on Making Home Safe and Accessible | National Institute on Aging

Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? | Mayo Clinic

Understanding the Dynamics of the Aging Process | National Institute on Aging

The Importance Of Senior Living In A Healthy Aging Plan | Forbes


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Transfer Master

About Transfer Master

Transfer Master has built electric adjustable hospital beds for the home and medical facility since 1993. We started with a simple goal that hospital beds should allow wheelchair users to transfer independently in and out of bed. Thirty years later, our customers are still at the center of everything we do. You’ll feel the difference.